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Exams for Online Courses

Many of our online courses require exams. Review your course outline for the date(s) and required format of your mid-term and final exams. Need more information? Check our Exams for Online Courses FAQ for details.

Online exams are the most common exam format for online courses. Online exams are completed using a computer at a specific date and time determined by your instructor.

Online Courses with On-Campus Exams

Final exams for Chang School courses are often held during the last scheduled class (if your class has regular meeting times) or on the final Saturday of the term. Chang School exam schedules are not available in MyServiceHub; check your course outline for complete details.

While most online courses have online exams, some online courses include on-campus mid-term and/or final exams. This information is noted on your course page. Check our Winter 2025 Online/Virtual Courses with On-Campus Exams (PDF) list for more details about exam schedules.

  • If you live within 100 kilometres of Toronto Metropolitan University, you must write your exam on campus. Your instructor will confirm your exam date and time at the start of the term.
  • If you live more than 100 kilometres from TMU, you may arrange to write your exam off campus using an approved external invigilation service.

To arrange off-campus invigilation, visit our Off-Campus Exam Request System. Detailed instructions are found within this link. Submissions will only be accepted once your course has begun, but you can use the system's invigilator listings to find an invigilator if you don’t already have one in mind.

Review our Off-Campus Invigilation FAQ for more details.

Questions? Contact us at

Exams for Online Courses FAQ

Does every course have a final exam?
No, but many do. Exam information will be provided in your course outline. Contact your instructor if you need further clarification.

What if I'm scheduled to write more than one exam at the same time or I’m scheduled to write three or more consecutive exams?
A conflict occurs when you are enrolled in more than one course and the final exam for both courses is scheduled on the same day and time. An overload occurs when you have three final exams on the same day, or three consecutive exam sessions. Exam sessions usually start in the morning, noon, afternoon, or evening.

Examples of overloads:

  • Morning, afternoon, and evening exams on the same day (three in one day)
  • Afternoon, evening, and another exam the next morning (three consecutive time slots)

If you have a conflict or overload, complete our Final Exam Conflict/Overload Submission Form.

What if I become ill or have an emergency during a final exam?
If you are unable to finish a final exam, notify your instructor immediately. Alternate arrangements can be made at your instructor’s discretion.

What if I am unable to write an exam due to a medical condition or an unplanned extenuating circumstance?
Submit an Academic Consideration Request (ACR) through the ACR online portal and contact the relevant course instructor(s). Submit your request before the exam (or no later than three business days following the exam if prior submission is not possible).

Visit Policy 167: Academic Consideration for details about timelines and documentation required.

What if I am unable to write an exam due to a religious, Aboriginal, and/or spiritual observance?
If you require an accommodation for these types of observances, Submit an Academic Consideration Request (ACR) through the ACR online portal. Submit your request within the first two weeks of classes, or, for a final examination, within two weeks of the posting of the exam schedule.

Unsure if your request is an ACR or if you require a different type of accommodation? Use Academic Accommodation Support’s guide to determine what type of support you nee

Are all final exams written at the same time?
Online exams are typically set up to allow you a “window of opportunity” to access the exam link (this can range anywhere from 15 minutes to several days). It is important to note that the exam link will only be available during this time. If you attempt to begin your online exam after the designated window of opportunity, the link will no longer be available.

Contact your instructor(s) if you are unsure about your exam schedule.

What if there is a technical problem during an online exam?
You are strongly encouraged to take your course’s sample test before attempting online tests. If you experience technical difficulties during an online exam, email your instructor immediately to advise them of the problem (copy The Chang School at, and submit the exam problem report in your course.

Are online exams timed?
Online exams are time-logged from the moment you access the exam to the time it is submitted. You are responsible for monitoring your time. Instructors will know exactly how long you took to write the exam and if you stayed within your time allowance (for example, two hours).

My exam has a Respondus Lockdown Browser requirement. How can I learn more about this tool?
Visit LMS Support for instructions on how to download and test this software, FAQs, and support information.

Off-Campus Invigilation FAQ

What is an invigilated exam?
An invigilated exam is overseen by an impartial individual (called an invigilator) who monitors or supervises a student while taking an exam. The invigilator ensures the security and integrity of the exam process. Off-campus invigilated exams are completed in person (not online); you are required to write the exam in the presence of your invigilator.

Who is eligible to write an off-campus invigilated exam?
If you live more than 100 kilometres from Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU), you may arrange to write your examinations off campus. All students requesting invigilated exams must submit the online Off-Campus Exam Request Form.

When should I submit my request?
Requests cannot be submitted until your course begins.

  • For final exam requests, submit before the end of Week Seven (7) for thirteen (13)-week courses, and before the end of Week Two (2) for six or seven (6 or 7)-week courses.
  • For midterm requests, submit before the end of Week Two (2).

Note: Exams will not be sent to an invigilator unless the Off-Campus Exam Request Form is received and approved by The Chang School.

What do I need to do to arrange an invigilated exam?

  1. Select an invigilator. Go to the Off-Campus Exam Request Form for our list of invigilators. No invigilator listed for your area, or prefer to use a different invigilator? You can choose your own invigilator who meets the guidelines noted in How do I find a suitable invigilator? (Visit this FAQ section for more information.)
    Confirm the date and time you will be writing your exam with your chosen invigilator before submitting your request. Exams must be booked on the scheduled date of the exam (check your course outline). If your invigilator is not available on weekends, we will accept the Monday following the exam date.
  2. Discuss any fees with the invigilator. TMU pays a flat fee of $50 per exam directly to the invigilator. Payment is in Canadian funds only. The invigilator will complete the Invigilator Payment Form that is included with the exam. Students will not be reimbursed for any payments made to invigilators. 
  3. Complete the Off-Campus Exam Request Form with your request, as per instructions on the form.
  4. Check for your submission notice.  A confirmation of submission will be sent to your TMU email address. We will review your request and contact you if we have any questions. TMU reserves the right to verify an invigilator’s identity, require additional proof of eligibility, or require the selection of a different invigilator.

Once the invigilator and exam invigilation are confirmed, within 2–3 days of the scheduled examination date, The Chang School will provide your exam package directly to your invigilator (which contains the examination, any instructions, allowable exam aids, and/or additional accommodations* that you require).

* If you have an Accommodations Letter, submit it directly to in order to have these accommodations communicated to the invigilator. 

Note: If you do not assume the responsibilities outlined for requesting an off-campus invigilated exam, you will be required to attend and write the exam on campus at TMU.

How do I find a suitable invigilator?
Review the invigilator listings in the second screen of the Off-Campus Exam Request Form (click “Find Invigilator”). If there is no invigilator listed for your area, it is your responsibility to find a suitable invigilator and make arrangements for them to invigilate your exam. You can then add this invigilator to the Off-Campus Exam Request Form using the “Add New Invigilator” button.

Who qualifies as a suitable invigilator?
An acceptable invigilator is an impartial individual who will ensure academic integrity throughout the administration of the exam process. Your invigilator must be eligible to work in Canada or in their country of residence and must be from one of the following categories:

  • College or university testing centre representatives
  • Current faculty at a community college or university
  • Librarians at a public library
  • Nursing educators
  • Military educators
  • Exam/test centres

Note: Relatives, coworkers, immediate supervisors, friends, neighbours, or persons residing at the same address as you cannot invigilate your exam. Students will not be reimbursed for payments made to invigilators.

What are the invigilator’s responsibilities?

  • The invigilator must have the ability to receive the exam package by email and print the exam for the student.
  • Only the invigilator may handle the actual exam prior to and following its completion.
  • No copies of the exam are to be made at any time.
  • No person other than the invigilator and student may view the exam. (The student can have access to the exam only during the time period allowed for writing.)
  • The invigilator must ensure the identity of test-takers by requiring the presentation of photo identification.
  • The invigilator must follow the instructions for administering the exam. These may include a time limit and specific allowable exam aids such as a calculator and inclusion or exclusion of books, notes, etc.
  • The invigilator must return the completed exam by email to The original exam should be kept for one year unless advised otherwise.
  • Under no circumstances should any part of the examination be released to the student.
  • Exams may not be released to a third party without TMU's permission.