For deadlines related to microcredentials, visit Important Dates. Need more information? Check out the following resources:
- How to Enrol in a Course
- Refunds
- Withdrawals (Course Drops and Course Swaps)
- Grade Appeals
Accommodation for Microcredential Assessments
For missed microcredential assessments, learners must submit an Academic Consideration Request (ACR) through the ACR online portal within three business days of the missed assessment, and they must provide appropriate supporting documentation. Alternate arrangements may be requested for religious, Aboriginal, or spiritual observances; health reasons; or compassionate grounds.
Visit Policy 167: Academic Consideration for details about timelines and documentation required.
Guidelines for Revoking Microcredential and Microcertificate Artifacts
As per Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU) Senate Policy 76: Development and Review of Continuing Education Offerings, guidelines have been developed regarding circumstances in which a Chang School (CS) Microcredential Artifact or CS Microcertificate Artifact may be revoked. A revocation will be considered in the following cases:
- Academic misconduct
- Administrative errors
A revoked microcredential or microcertificate will result in its cancellation (i.e., the artifact will no longer be digitally accessible or shareable), and no credit or refund will be issued.
Academic Misconduct
CS Microcredentials and CS Microcertificates will adhere to TMU Senate Policy 60: Academic Integrity for definitions and procedures pertaining to academic misconduct. A proven case of academic misconduct is grounds for revoking a CS Microcredential Artifact or CS Microcertificate Artifact.
If a finding of academic misconduct occurs as per Policy 60, The Chang School Program Director for the program area of the microcredential or microcertificate in question will be notified. If the microcredential or microcertificate does not fall under a defined program area (e.g., Arts), then the Program Director, Business Development and Microcredentials will be advised.
Administrative Errors
Administrative errors that would lead to the revocation of a CS Microcredential Artifact or CS Microcertificate Artifact include, but are not limited to:
- The issuing of a CS Microcredential Artifact or CS Microcertificate Artifact when a learner has not met all of the stated requirements
- Typos or other errors
Administrative errors for CS Microcredential Artifacts or CS Microcertificate Artifacts should be emailed to jessica@torontomu.ca for review. If the administrative error is verified, the microcredential or microcertificate artifact in question will be revoked, the affected learner will be notified, and, if necessary, corrective action will be taken (e.g., re-issuing a microcredential or microcertificate artifact without spelling errors).