This program offers an introduction to quantitative and qualitative research methodologies from anti-oppression, anti-colonial, and anti-racism perspectives to social work students and community practitioners. Using these perspectives, participants will also acquire the skills necessary to design and evaluate social programs and their own practice.

Who Should Enrol?

This course series will appeal to:

  • social work students and staff seeking knowledge and skills to support research and evaluation
  • those employed in grassroots and community-based organizations
  • administrative staff responsible for developing funding proposals

Program Design

Students who complete this course series will:

  • develop skills to be critical consumers and producers of quantitative and qualitative research studies
  • acquire the skills to situate research as a community engaged process of knowledge development and action
  • build skills to design engaged evaluation projects as well as strategies to evaluate one's own practice

Course Series Requirements

  • Successful completion of 3 required courses

Contact Us

Questions? Contact Purnima George, Academic Coordinator.


Additional Details
