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Make a difference with a Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Management certificate

Working in the nonprofit and voluntary field is a great way to create positive change in your world and beyond. The Chang School is proud to offer a Certificate in Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Management that’s well-respected in the industry and will give you the skills you need to launch a truly meaningful career in this ever-evolving field.

One of the few of its kind in Canada, this program provides a wide-ranging education to all kinds of learners, whether you’re just starting out in the sector, want to transition in from another career, or are already a seasoned nonprofit professional looking to boost your skills in nonprofit management. Our learners come from many different backgrounds and have diverse experience and networks, so you can forge long-term connections within the sector during your studies.

Our expert instructors – all highly experienced nonprofit managers and professionals working at nonprofits – have created coursework based on current approaches, theories, and research that prioritizes leadership skills and diversity. We offer real-world case studies, hands-on assignments, and guest speakers who are doing exciting work in the field. You’ll explore critical issues in the sector, and learn how effective nonprofits operate.

You can customize your learning with electives, and also get to do a capstone research project aligned with your interests where you can flex your new presentation skills.

You can complete your nonprofit management certificate in as little as eight months.

The world needs more people to help make it better – start your career in Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Management today.

Meet Our Learners
Photograph of C. Thomas
This certificate helped me get a more solid grounding in the wider non-profit world as I moved into a senior management role within my organization. I still go back to the learnings, texts, and papers I was introduced to in the certificate as I do my work in the industry, and anticipate doing so for many years to come.
— Simon Chambers

Who should take this Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Management certificate?

  • You’re an experienced nonprofit professional who’s ready to take on a leadership role and manage a diverse team
  • You’re an experienced worker who wants to learn specific skills from a nonprofit perspective
  • You’re interested in transitioning into the nonprofit sector from the business or public sector
  • You’re an undergraduate student who wants to complete degree-credit courses or minor in the nonprofit sector
  • You work in the public, institutional, or private sector and have a goal to develop relationships and partnerships with nonprofit organizations

What will you learn while taking the Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Management certificate?

You’ll learn about:

  • Management strategies and skills
    • Leadership
    • Change management
    • Governance
    • Strategy
    • Relationship-building with government, business, civil society, and within the sector
    • Equity
  • Applied management competencies
    • Marketing
    • Evaluation
    • Financial management
    • Advocacy
    • Diversity
    • International NGOs
  • Emerging ideas and perspectives
    • Learn about innovative nonprofit and management practices in Canada and other countries
    • Critically reflect on key issues and opportunities in the sector and how they influence the development and shape of the sector
    • Understand key elements of nonprofit effectiveness and efficiency and how management approaches and practices can enhance results and impact
    • Gain experience with strategies, tools, and approaches that can be applied to your nonprofit
    • Connect with and consider the new and diverse perspectives and experiences of other Certificate learners

Certificate Requirements

  • 4 required courses
  • 4 electives
  • Cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 1.67+

Admission Criteria


  • Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) or equivalent
    • With 6 Grade 12 U or M credits


  • Mature student status

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to belong to, or work in, a nonprofit or charitable organization to register?

No. The program is open to anyone interested in the nonprofit sector. Most learners have connections with nonprofit organizations – as volunteers, staff, or board members – or work in areas that bring them into contact with nonprofits and charities.

Do I have to enrol in the courses starting with CINP 900 before moving up to the higher-numbered courses?

No. But you’re strongly encouraged to start the certificate by taking CINP 900 and CINP 901. These courses provide a foundation about the nonprofit sector and nonprofit organizations. You may enrol in any course you feel you need or are interested in. The only restriction to enrolling in courses is the existence of course prerequisites. One course that has requisites is CINP 920. It can’t be taken until you have completed the following:

CINP 920 gives you an opportunity to research a nonprofit issue that you’re interested in; you’re encouraged to take it towards the end of your Certificate studies.

How long does it take to complete the program?

Learners have up to five years to complete the eight-course certificate.

Depending on each learner's circumstances and the availability of courses, the time for completion will vary. The quickest time to complete the program would be two terms if a learner enrols in four courses per term, or full-time, but this will depend on the course schedule.

We encourage you to pace yourself so you have time to absorb the curriculum materials from each course. If you’re unsure whether you can manage more than one course at a time, we suggest you take one course and assess the workload with your other responsibilities.

What types of learning methods are used in the courses?

It varies by course, but each course offers some combination of:

  • case studies
  • videos
  • guest and sector-expert presentations
  • online individual and group discussions
  • assignments, papers, and essays
  • tests and exams

How many hours per week will I have to spend on coursework?

This will vary from course to course and week to week. Some weeks you may have less required work to do while other weeks there will be more. It’s estimated learners will spend about three hours per week on online course modules and discussions and a further three hours per week on course readings and course work. Assignments and exams are in addition to these estimates.

Is this certificate program recognized in the broader academic and nonprofit community?

All the courses in the program are university-level and degree-credit. There is general recognition of the program in the nonprofit sector, and many managers frequently direct employees – or would-be employees – to the certificate program.


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Additional Details


You may only select one of CINP 902 or CINP 915.