Learn American Sign Language (ASL), the most commonly used sign language for Deaf communities in Canada, the United States, and many other countries around the world.

ASL employs a range of movements in the hands, face, and body. ASL has been used for over 250 years, and is now estimated to be used more than 500,000 people in Canada and the US.

All courses within this course series are delivered in class, allowing you to practise with your instructors and fellow students.

You will learn from a combination of lectures, in-class demonstrations, dialogues, conversations, videos, and practice using audiovisual support.

What Will You Learn?

In introductory courses, you will be introduced to the fundamentals of ASL and learn to communicate effectively in everyday situations, grammar, using basic signs and fingerspelling.

In intermediate courses, you will expand your vocabulary and learn to communicate with more than one person. This will enable you to conduct conversations and express using non-manual signals, emotions, and feelings in a variety of everyday and professional situations.

Who Should Take This Course Series?

You may be interested in taking this course series if you have family, friends, colleagues, and clients who use ASL.

You may also be interested if you want to learn a new language to open up opportunities to communicate, volunteer to help others, or socialize.

Knowledge of ASL may be helpful if your career requires you to interact with Deaf and hard of hearing clients, or if you are a professional employed in a variety of fields including:

  • social work
  • nursing
  • healthcare
  • audiology
  • gerontology
  • advocacy
  • government
  • the court system
  • education
  • accessibility and inclusion
  • human resources
  • business
  • hospitality and tourism

Course Series Requirements

  • Successful completion of 2 required courses

Contact Us

Questions? Contact Nina Winiarczyk, Academic Coordinator.

Email:  nwiniarczyk@torontomu.ca

Additional Details