
Course Description

This course delves into the many facets of HR data; data collection, structuring, cleansing, and visualization. Learners will gain hands-on experience with data processing and visualization methods and tools, enabling them to transform raw data into meaningful insights. The curriculum covers data fundamentals, data integrity, data organization, and the art of conveying complex findings through compelling visual narratives. Learners will be equipped to navigate HR’s data-driven landscape, enhancing their ability to make informed decisions.


Scheduling for this course is coming soon - check back in August 2024!

This course requires permission to enrol. Please contact ce@torontomu.ca with your request, and be sure to include your student number. Learners not part of the People Analytics for HR Professionals program should include a copy of their degree/equivalent. 

This course is fully online with both asynchronous and synchronous components, meaning that there are only a limited number of times where you will be asked to be online for a live synchronous session via Zoom or Google Meet. Dates and times for these sessions will be posted in the course section schedule. 
Throughout the course you can expect an interactive experience where you will engage with weekly module content and activities independently, as well as collaborate with your peers through discussion forums and group projects. Please note that assignments and discussion participation may have deadlines. 

Relevant Programs

Course Sections
Class Number
Jan 20, 2025 to Apr 18, 2025
Delivery Options
Domestic Fee non-credit $731.73
Domestic Out of Province Fee non-credit $0.00
International Fee non-credit $0.00
Section Notes

This course has a special enrolment deadline.

For Winter 2025, your final date to enrol is January 31, 2025.

Class Number
May 05, 2025 to Aug 01, 2025
Delivery Options
Domestic Fee non-credit $731.73
Domestic Out of Province Fee non-credit $0.00
International Fee non-credit $0.00