
Course Description

The course will consider how social mores, specifically in regard to sexuality and sexual identity, are reflected, challenged and transformed by film. The role of censorship, voyeurism, and seduction will be considered. As Susan Sontag wrote in a 1991 essay: “…it was from a weekly visit to the cinema that you learned (or tried to learn) how to walk, to smoke, to kiss, to fight, to grieve.” Films on the short list so far include Ida Lupino’s Outrage (1950); Hector Babenco’s Kiss of the Spider Woman (1984); T.G. Alea’s Strawberry and Chocolate (1993) and Kimberley Pierce’s Boys Don’t Cry. (1999)


Instructor: Alexandra Anderson

Students will be expected to watch the films ahead of class time though segments of the films will be screened in class as well.


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