CSCI 243 - Continuity and Risk Management
Course Description
This course presents the principles, structures, and processes of risk management. Methods for applying general risk management theory, best practices and resources to the different phases of emergency management will be discussed. Emphasis is placed on the application of risk management strategies in mitigating and preparing for disasters and major emergencies.
This course is fully aligned with the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) exam and its eight cybersecurity domains.
Sample Course Outline
Distance Course Outline (subject to change)Notes
This course is fully online and asynchronous, meaning you typically will not have to be online at specific times. You will engage in course-related activities through online tools such as announcements, discussions, and email. Your course learning will be based on weekly module content and activities that you can go through independently. Note: there are still deadlines for assignment submissions, and you may be expected to participate in discussion board interactions with your peers on a regular basis.Your instructor may also include occasional scheduled sessions for Q&As and other discussion activities, using web conferencing tools such as Zoom and Google Meet. More details will be included in your course outline available on the first day of class.
Relevant Programs
- Cybersecurity, Data Protection and Digital Forensics : Required Courses
- Emergency Management, Threat and Response Planning : Required Courses
- Public Administration and Leadership : Electives (select 3)
- Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) : Electives (select 2)