Professional Designations and Accreditation
Earning a professional designation can enhance your career prospects and resumé, serving as proof of your skills and knowledge in a particular subject area.
The Chang School offers courses toward accreditation by the following professional institutes and associations:
Board of Canadian Safety Professionals (BCRSP)
The Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety meets the education components required for certification as a Canadian Registered Safety Technician (CRST) through the Board of Canadian Registered Safety Professionals (BCRSP). After completing the certificate, you may continue on to our two other health and safety certificates – Advanced Safety Management and Occupational Health and Safety Leadership – to satisfy the educational requirements to take the Canadian Registered Safety Professional (CRSP) Board exam.
Certified Fundraising Executive (CFRE)
The Chang School is an Approved Provider for the Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) through the Certificate in Fundraising Management. Full participation in each course is applicable for 39 points in Category 1.B – Education of the CFRE International application for initial certification and/or recertification.
Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT)
Gain a comprehensive picture of current thought and approaches to transportation logistics practices and the economic impact, design management, systems management, supply chain management, and planning challenges and opportunities that transportation logistics present.
Courses allow you to tailor your choices to meet individual interests in extending knowledge and skills to support operational logistics in linear infrastructure and transportation. This knowledge and applicable skill set will be useful for practitioners whether they are serving the transportation industry or municipal, provincial, national, or international linear infrastructures.
Required Courses (select five)
- CECN 710 - Transportation Economics
- CGMS 803 - Principles of Transportation
- CGMS 804 - Studies in Global Supply Chain Management
- CKCV 735 - Highway Design
- CKCV 902 - Traffic Operations and Management
- CKCV 910 - Transportation Planning
Once the five courses have been successfully completed, you will earn a designation from the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport, North America (CILTNA).
Phone: 613-209-9992
Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario (CPA Ontario)
Learners who are interested in obtaining the Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) designation must complete a series of prerequisite education (PREP) and preparatory education (PEP) courses to be eligible for the CPA’s designation exam.
You can obtain all of the PREP course requirements by completing the following certificate programs:
- Accounting Level 1 (Foundations)
- Accounting Level 2 (Intermediate I)
- Accounting Level 3 (Intermediate II)
- Accounting Level 4 (Advanced)
For a full list of our accounting courses, their respective CPA preparatory course equivalencies, the minimum grade you must achieve for consideration into the CPA PEP, please refer to the CPA’s Equivalency Chart. Simply search for:
- Toronto Metropolitan University, G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education
- Continuing Education
- And the year that you will complete your courses
If you were pursuing the discontinued Certificate in Accounting – Finance, you should contact for more information.
Economic Development Association of Canada (EDAC)
Graduates of the Certificate in Local Economic Development can apply courses towards the educational requirements of the Certified Economic Developer (EcD) certification from the Economic Development Association of Canada (EDAC).
EcD is Canada’s nationally recognized designation for economic developers, and EcD holders are highly sought after in the field of Local Economic Development.
Economic Developers Council of Ontario (EDCO)
Graduates of the Certificate in Local Economic Development can apply courses towards the educational requirements of the Certified Economic Developer (EcD) certification from the Economic Developers Council of Ontario (EDCO).
EcD is Canada’s nationally recognized designation for economic developers, and EcD holders are highly sought after in the field of Local Economic Development.
Human Resources Professionals Association (HRPA)
Our Certificate in Human Resources Management includes courses that are accredited by the HRPA and are required to qualify to write the National Knowledge Examination (NKE). Passing the knowledge exam is one of the requirements for the Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP) designation.
The HRPA website lists the Toronto Metropolitan courses recognized for credit in these subject areas. For further information regarding membership and the HRPA Certification Requirements, visit HRPA.
Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)
The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) is the leading association for professionals in the fields of analytics, management science (MS), and operations research (OR).
Through the Certificate in Data Analytics, Big Data, and Predictive Analytics, Toronto Metropolitan University is recognized by INFORMS as a Recognized Analytics Continuing Education Provider. The following Chang School courses are recognized as satisfying the Professional Development Units (PDUs) requirement of INFORMS to maintain your CAP®:
- CIND 110 - Data Organization for Data Analysts
- CIND 119 - Introduction to Big Data
- CIND 123 - Data Analytics: Basic Methods
- CIND 820 - Big Data Analytics Project
- CIND 830 - Python Programming for Data Science
- CMTH 642 - Data Analytics: Advanced Tools
For more information about the INFORMS Certified Analytics Professional (CAP®) program and the CAP® exam, visit the Certified Analytics Professional website.
Ownership Statement: CAP® is a registered mark of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences.
Project Management Institute (PMI)
The Certificate in Project Management can help you work towards, or maintain your standing in, two certifications through the Project Management Institute (PMI) Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)® Project Management Professional (PMP)®.
The Chang School has been a PMI Registered Education Provider (REP) since 2001. In 2007, we received the PMI Professional Development Provider of the Year Award – Academic Category. This certificate was developed in cooperation with the PMI Toronto Chapter.
Royal Conservatory of Music
The Advanced Certificate in Early Childhood Music Education (ECME) is a unique program offered by The Royal Conservatory of Music in partnership with The Chang School.
The certificate requires the successful completion of eight courses (three required courses, a minimum of two courses from Elective Group 1, and a minimum of two courses from Elective Group 2). The program may be completed on a part-time basis within a maximum of four years; however, many students complete it in less time. Some courses, including the recommended initial course, Music in Early Childhood, may be taken in the summer.
Required Courses
Students may only select one of Musicianship for Teachers in ECE, Level 1 or CVFS 406.
- Music in Early Childhood**
- Music and Movement
- Practicum in Music in Early Childhood
- Musicianship for Teachers in ECE, Level 1
- CVFS 406 - Guiding Children’s Development
** This course is offered in July every year, and may be taken as a single course without reference to the ECME certificate program.
Electives – Group I (select a minimum of one of the following courses)
- CCLD 204 - Physical Development
- CCLD 205 - Children’s Social/Emotional Well-Being
- CCLD 206 - Language Development
- CCLD 307 - Cognitive Development
Electives – Group II (select a minimum of two of the following courses)
- Orff Teacher Training - Introductory, Levels 1, 2, 3
- Kodály Teacher Training - Levels 1, 2, 3
- Musicianship for Teachers in ECE - Level 2
- CCLD 314 - Literacy in the Early Years
Admission Requirements
Applicants must have one of the following or their equivalents:
- ARCT Diploma (Teacher’s or Performer’s) from The Royal Conservatory
- BA or BAA or other degree in Early Childhood Education
- BEd from an Ontario Faculty of Education (Primary-Junior division)
- BMus (Education) from a recognized faculty of music
- Diploma in Early Childhood Education from an Ontario College of Applied Arts and Technology
For information about ECME classes, prerequisites, transfer credits, and application deadlines, please contact The Royal Conservatory of Music directly at